Benefits of Organic

The Benefits Of Organic Cotton

Its Organic September! And whilst lots of us know the benefits of eating delicious organic food we thought we’d give you the lowdown on why organic cotton is so important too.

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keeping it clean

How choosing organic cotton can make all the difference.

Cotton is the most popular and most widely used fabric across the globe. Used in everything from nightwear to medical supplies and car parts, cotton is remarkably versatile and highly sought after. Unfortunately, not all cotton is created equally, and conventional cotton is doing more harm than good.

Despite encountering numerous pieces of cotton in day-to-day life, sometimes its not easy to understand the differences between organic and conventional cotton. In this post, we're sharing the key differences between organic and conventional cotton so you can fully understand the benefits of buying organic.


Organic Cotton Is Water Saving

Water shortage is a growing environmental concern. Humanity requires water to grow food, create energy, supply industries and nurture our bodies. With high demands for water and increasing water wastage, water scarcity is becoming a big issue. Organic cotton uses up to 91% less water than its conventional counterpart, according to research from the Textiles Exchange. Unlike conventional cotton, organic cotton farmers use rainwater, significantly reducing water wastage and not depriving local areas of their freshwater supply. 


Organic Cotton Provides Better Working Environments

The absence of pesticides in organic cotton ensures our environment stays clean and contributes to a safer working environment. Every day, farmers and labourers working on conventional cotton expose themselves to dangerous chemicals. These deadly pesticides are proven to cause life-threatening cancers and potential organ failure. By buying organic cotton, you're contributing to regulated, safe working environments for cotton farmers.

Brands and businesses using and supporting organic cotton farms are more inclined to be transparent about their manufacturing process. Knowing where your cotton has come from and the environmental impact it's had is one of the biggest benefits of buying organic cotton.


Organic Cotton Results In Cleaner Air And Water

Unlike conventional cotton, organic cotton is free of any dangerous chemicals or pesticides. During the conventional cotton growing process, these harmful pesticides and chemicals infiltrate the water, soil and air.

Environmental harm is inevitable with the conventional cotton growing process. This environmental harm contributes to our ongoing climate crisis and affects the quality of other nearby crops. The same spoiled soil used in conventional cotton growing homes fruit and vegetable crops grown for human consumption. As a result, these deadly, potentially life-threatening pesticides occur in the everyday food we're consuming.

The organic cotton growing process doesn't require these pesticides, and therefore, the local air and water used for crop growing remains clean and absent of these potentially dangerous chemicals.


The benefits of buying organic cotton are significant. Organic cotton is a sustainable and safe way to maintain humanities ever-growing dependency on the cotton industry. Investing in organic cotton gives you the same comfortable, easy to wear material but without the devastating environmental impact. Environmentally-friendly organic cotton is made with love and care, for our planet and its people. By choosing to buy organic cotton over conventional cotton, you're choosing to save lives, protect workers, and keep our food chain clean.


Milly Gale